Photo Gallery

Alumni Gallery


The Inception

The Calgary Rowing Club was founded in 1966 by the eight enterprising gentlemen pictured below. Those resourceful founders built their own boat (pictured) bought a couple more from the Winnipeg Rowing Club and received oars from the Regina Rowing Club for a bottle of scotch! In doing so, they created an institution that has been loved by thousands of Calgarians for nearly six decades.

Alumni Gallery


Building Momentum

The Calgary Rowing Club starts its competitive focus, with founder Frank Kubicek as head coach. During the 1970’s, the CRC held it’s first regatta, sent crews to Royal Canadian Henley, and were even represented at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal by York Langerfeld and Barb Boettcher.

Alumni Gallery


Prairie Powerhouse

Construction of a new boathouse (designed by former CRC rower Rick Crawley) for the 1983 Western Canada Summer Games changed the landscape for the CRC, which emerged as a powerhouse behind three-time national coach of the year Milan Uremovic. In 1985, Calgary was represented well at the Royal Henley regatta, a massive sporting and logistic achievement.

Alumni Gallery


Growing Together

The Prairie rowers continued to punch above their weight, sending elite crews to compete abroad in England and Lithuania. Meanwhile, the Club overcame some financial challenges and restructured to the sustainable position it remains in today.

Alumni Gallery


Growing Together

Four CRC rowers competed at the 2000 Sydney Games and some dedicated CRC board members raised funds for more boats and more opportunities for rowers. The Masters and Para programs also become more formalized.

Alumni Gallery


Growing Together

Calgary women ruled the Club and the Canadian rowing scene for much of the decade. A powerful contingent of female rowers justified an effort to return to Royal Henley. Of the crew, six went on to represent Canada’s national team.

Alumni Gallery


Growing Together

Crews set a 24-hour erg record, dealt with the challenges of COVID, and sent three athletes to the 2020 Summer Olympics, where one, Kasia Gruchalla-Wesierski, was part of the gold medal 8+. The decade also saw Calgary recognized by Rowing Canada with an “Outstanding Achievement of the Year” award for it’s concerted work for participation through COVID.